
Getting Organized For The Holidays

From our most popular planning formats to all-new designs, we've created complementary tools specifically for the season. Be sure to check out our Digital Downloads Collection for even more resources you can put to use all year long. Please note these digital files are available for personal use only.


We're not just here to help you find the perfect holiday gift. Whether it's your first time hosting the family for Hanukkah, you're tasked with coordinating endless side dishes for a friendsgiving potluck, or you need a little help wrapping your mind around your Christmas shopping list, we've got the (free!) tools you need to take the stress out of planning and get you back to enjoying the season.


Holiday Event Planning

This one-page planning tool will help you think big-picture about your upcoming holiday event. Featuring sections for your guest list, menu, activities, and shopping list, getting a bird-eye view of what needs to be done will help you delegate tasks and ensure nothing gets missed (say goodbye to those last-minute grocery runs for ice before guests arrive). 



Holiday Meal Planning

We've reworked out classic weekly meal planning to lend a hand to those memorable holiday gatherings. Note the sections for brainstorming mains, sides, and more, as well as a grocery & to-do list. Best yet, we included a timeline section with a simple 1-10 so you can roughly map out your schedule for the day (because we know all that chopping & sautéing can't always be planned down to the minute).



Suann uses the holiday meal planning digital download to map out her Thanksgiving menuTake a look at how our founder Suann puts the Holiday Meal Planning download to use for her upcoming Thanksgiving menu.


Project Planning

We can think of no better "project' than finding that perfect gift for the loved ones in your life. Try using the project planning sheet to map out your holiday gifting list: brainstorm gift ideas in the "notes" section, check off names as you go, and use the 31-day timeline to make sure orders arrive in time for those far-flung relatives & friends.



Though this is a sentimental and meaningful time of year, we know the holidays can quickly become overwhelming with a never-ending list of to-dos. We hope these tools can help you get back to what matters most—making memories with the ones you hold dear. Cheers & happy planning!

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