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Summer Bullet Planning Ideas To Embrace Adventure and Inspire Creativity

Get set for your best summer yet with a bullet planning refresh. We’ve compiled our favorite ideas for new layouts, summer-inspired theming, and more to make the most of our new favorite season. Grab your A5 Journal, favorite accessories, and a cool drink, and read on for fresh new ideas from the planner experts.


1. Reasons to Celebrate

Add as many holidays as you can think of to your monthly spread to add playful inspiration to each day. Some of our favorites? National U.S. Postage Stamp Day (July 1st) and National Planner Day (August 1st) of course 😉. Find a reason to celebrate the small stuff with our favorite summer holidays.


Canada Day 7/1*
National Planner Day 8/1
National U.S. Postage Stamp Day 7/1
National Ice Cream Sandwich Day 8/2
Independence Day 7/4*
National Water Balloon Day 8/5
Eid Al-Adha 7/10* National Friendship Day 8/7
National Piña Colada Day 7/10 National Left Handers’ Day 8/13
National French Fry Day 7/13 National Relaxation Day 8/15
National Hot Fudge Sundae Day 7/25 Assumption (EU) 8/15*
* denotes official holidays


    2. Track Your Travel Plans

    Tape in a map of your country, state, or city for a visual representation of upcoming travel. Whether you’re setting off to far-flung places or simply exploring your own neighborhood, there’s never been a better time to plan on getting outside and seeing something new.


    A bullet planner spread opens in the Appointed A5 journal, and shows a taped-in map with a list of summer travels.


    3. Summer Bucket List

    Start a simple summer-themed checklist that you can turn to when inspiration strikes or you have a free moment. Whether dreaming up your next big adventure or craving a lazy afternoon at the park, writing it down is the first step to making it happen.


    4. Your Perfect Packing List

    Start a one-and-done packing list for upcoming summer travel. Include sections for clothing, toiletries, tech, kid stuff, and miscellaneous so you don’t forget a thing. Bonus points for leaving room to expand this spread as the seasons change.


    5. Grow Your Garden

    For those of you lucky ones with a backyard garden, consider creating a gardening spread to track to-dos, watering schedules, germination timelines, and more. The high yield summer season means you’ll have plenty to track, and can help you plan for next year’s planting.


    6. Summer Playlist

    Your bullet planner is an archive—after all the work that goes into designing, tracking, and detailing, of course you’ll hold onto it for years to come. Create a summer playlist page filled with feel-good songs of the summer to instantly take you back to summer ‘22 when you look back on it years later.


    7. Refresh Your Habit Tracker

    A change of season is a great time to reevaluate your habits. Assess how it’s going and take some time to reconsider how your goals may have shifted—or whether some habits have become second-nature and no longer need habit-tracking accountability. Consider also adding some seasonal to-dos or tasks, like moving your workouts outside or alloting more leisure time.


    8. Mix Up Your Layout with Theme & Color

    If you’re the type to doodle, add tropical, colorful, or travel theming to your weekly spreads for a dose of sunshine. More of a minimalist? Us too! Switch out your accessories for brighter pops of color that won’t get in the way of your clean aesthetic.

     An Appointed workbook lies open on a marble desktop, showing a colorful summer bullet planning spread. Mildliner highlighters, brass page markers, and other accessories sit aside.


    Your summer plans deserve a place to shine. Whether anticipating a long-awaited trip, recording memories, or looking to increase your productivity, your bullet planner is the perfect place to start. Need to restock your bullet planning supplies? We’ve got you covered with fan-favorites:


    Here’s to brighter days ahead. Happy planning!

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